Wednesday 17 May 2017

Daniel 6: 26He is the living God and He endures forever.

Daniel was among the exiles of Israel and living in Babylon during the reign of King Darius. The enemies of Daniel plotted against him and instigated the king to punish Daniel for not bowing to worship the statue of the king by throwing him into the lions’ den.

Consequently the king had no choice but to go long as he was manipulated to pass a decree that any one now bowing down to his statue will be thrown into the lion’s den. After he had done that king Darius was in great remorse as he had loved Daniel very much.

In the early morning the king rushed to the lion’s den to look for Daniel who had emerged without a scratch. Then king Darius commanded that this proclamation be written and distributed throughout the whole nation.
He wrote;

For he is the living God and he endures forever; his kingdom will not be destroyed, his dominion will never end.
He rescues and he saves; he performs signs and wonders in the havens and on the earth. He has rescued Daniel from the power of the lions.

This was proclaimed by a non-believer king of a foreign nation which God used to punish His stiff necked and rebellious people. Because of Daniel’s faithfulness, God had used this to perform a miracle to transform the life of the king.

We see that even a non-believer can also proclaim the glory of God when God opens his spiritual eyes. There are many ways that God can transform the lives of non-believers and often God uses us to be the tool to complete His divine plan.

Even in this day we see how God’s mercies have been reaching out to many sinners and non-believers. Just a week or so ago, I read that God had touched the life of a porn star and she gave her life to Jesus Christ and now this woman is a full time pastor serving God and bringing others to Him.

There are also others like priests in other religions who had previously been persecutors of Jesus Christ but God opened their spiritual eyes and they too have become believers and pastors leading their former followers to Christ.

God can use the foolish things of the world to do His work. He works wonders then and now as He seeks for such people who would become a powerful witness for Him.

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