Tuesday 16 May 2017

Gen 14 :18Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine.

This is the account where Abraham had gone to the rescue of his nephew Lot and his family when they were captured by the enemies. Abram was victorious and he brought ban much spoil of war. When he arrived back to Israel we read that king Melchizedek welcome him and even brought out bread and wine for Abraham.

Then we read that Abram gave a tenth of all his spoil to king Melchizedek, this is the first time we read of anyone giving a tithe. The bible says that there was not record of the birth of king Melchizedek and where he came from, many theologians believed that this is Jesus Christ who came down earlier in what is known as theosophy meaning the incarnation of Christ the second person of the ‘Trinity’ at that time.

In verse 19 we also read that king Melchizedek pronounced a blessing upon Abram saying, “Blessed be Abram by God Most High, Creator of heaven and earth.” In those days we know that all blessings come from God and for king Melchizedek to pronounce a blessing, then he is revealing that he has the authority and also the source of the blessings.

Today since we have receive our salvation and our position as joint heirs with Jesus Christ, we now have their privilege and ability to release blessing to others for Jesu has given us that key to the kingdom of heaven where Jesus promised us that “whatsoever we bind on earth it shall be bound in heaven and whatsoever we loose on earth it shall be loose in heaven.” This means when we release a blessing then it is done in heaven; the blessing will become a reality.

Our duty in Church is to bless the people around us, we are to pray and intercede for one another and we are to release blessing to one another as we have learned from Jesus Christ and also from king Melchizedek.

The apostles have also taught us that at each gathering a blessing or benediction must be pronounced so that when we leave the gathering and go our way; we will go with the blessing that has been pronounced upon us.

Let us continue to do well in practicing speaking and pronouncing blessings upon every one of our family at home and in the Church.

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