Monday 22 May 2017

Prov 15: 1A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.

Again in the wisdom that God has granted to him, King Solomon gives this advice to his children that it is in the nature of man to receive kindness rather than anger or evil.

Jesus gave us this perfect example than even though he had suffered torture in the hands of the roman soldiers and the temple leaders, He never retaliated in action or words. He was meek and humble all through and even in deep agony of severe pain and at the point of death, Jesus responded to all these in gentleness and meekness.

He called out to the Father, ‘forgive them for they do not know what they do.’ This very act of love has ingrained into the hearts of all believers to be forgiving and meek. Jesus also reprimanded His disciples on other occasions when they responded in their carnal nature.

For example on one occasion when a certain village had refused to receive Jesus and provide hospitality His disciples said ‘do you want us to call down fire from heaven to destroy them?’ Jesus replied and told them, ‘God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him.’

Jesus came for the purpose of teaching us the values of the Gospel and also the Kingdom of God. He did what the Father told Him to do and He spoke the loving words that the Father wanted Him to speak. In other words, He set a pattern for us all to follow so that we might be like Him.

Our mission on this earth is to be like Jesus and also to do the same work that He has done while He was on earth. There is a high calling for each of us to be the living testimony for Jesus. We must train ourselves to live like Jesus and be His ambassador to the world of he lost.

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