Thursday 25 May 2017

2 Cor 3: 18We all …are being transformed into his image with ever increasing glory, which come from the Lord, who is the Spirit.

Paul is saying here that it is a normal tendency that all children would transform into the likeness and characteristics of their fathers. As a child grows he begins to pick up behaviors and characteristics of the father. Some begin to articulate like the father, stand like the father and walk like the father.

It goes even beyond that, if the father is meek and kind this same trend will be imparted to the son and he will also be a meek and kind person. If the father is brave and a valiant then the natural trend would be the son would also become a man of valor. If the father is a man who does not have self-esteem, then the son would also grow up to be a meek and cowardly person.

We are reminded that God is a Holy God and He deals with His children in holiness and kindness. And as we continue to grow in Him, we will learn and pick up His holiness and His kindness. Paul says that we will then grow in increasing glory as we spend more and more time with our God.

Looking at the example of Moses, when he went up to Mount Sinai and when he had an 80 day and night continuous encounter with God, the effects of this prolong time spent with God reflected upon his face. When Moses came down after the 80 day encounter with God, his face was shining so brightly that the people who saw him were afraid to go near to him.

Subsequently, Moses had to put on a veil on his face to shield the bright glow that was reflected on his face. In a sense, the glory of God had fallen upon him and it was a tangible glory that could be seen and felt.

This then is what Paul is saying to the believers and they could understand it as they had heard from their forefathers the stories and testimonies of the Exodus. Similarly, Paul is teaching us that as Moses had reflected the glory of God then we too would be able to reflect this glory in our lives especially now that we have the Holy Spirit to help us draw near to God.

Every one of us must endeavor to walk closely with God so that we too can reflect the glory of God in us. This is very true as even in these days, people who see us and they can actually see a difference on our faces. They will see that we look radiant and have that unexplainable joy on our face.

It is not at all surprising that very often people will exclaim that they actually see a difference on our face even when they see us as strangers for the first time. This is what Paul is telling us that we must bear the glory of God our Father as we walk with Him on a daily basis.

Let our lives be living testimonies of God to the world and let us be the spiritual magnets that draw the unsaved to God.

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