Tuesday 16 May 2017

Isaiah 40:8The grass withers and the flowers fall, buy the word of our God endures forever.

The word of God as revealed by Isaiah tells us that all things on this earth are temporal. There is nothing that will last forever. Even the mountains and rivers will change. Some mountains are brought down through the forces of nature or they may even be pushed up through the forces. Rivers too will change, some may change directions and some may merge while others may eve dry up.

Isaiah is speaking about the creation of God as in the natural things that are around us. He talks of grass and flowers withering either through the seasons or through their limited life span. Though these are things of beauty and are a good thing for amen to look at, these will never be permanent.

The people of Israel have gone through all kinds of changes too, they have enjoyed peace and prosperity and they have also experienced poverty and slavery. Some of them were even kings and nobles but because they have turned away from worshipping God when they were prosperous and living in peace, God had to bring them out of their sinful lives and to do that God allowed them to be defeated and be enslaved for long periods of time.

In the same way, we are blessed these days, we are living in peace in most places in the world and we have all the blessings of modern day facilities like education, businesses, high paying jobs, beautiful homes, expensive cars, fine dining and a very comfortable life. Many have become even complacent and have forgotten their obligation to maintain a close relationship with God.

Many have become church attendees twice a year. Once during Easter and the second during Christmas. Christianity has become a obligatory practice. These people think that as long as they turn up to Church during these two occasions, they consider themselves to be performing their duties and worship and they are saved.

They cannot be more wrong as for the rest of the 363 days; God is not upon their hearts and minds. They are thinking of only the world and the pleasures that the world can offer. This is generally among a majority of the Church, they may be regular attendees but their heart and soul are not with Jesus Christ. They make it into a form but deny the cost of Christianity.

Their salvation are no longer secured because like the Israelite, they have sinned against God and have turned from Him in general, they routinely attend Church as a form or practice only. Sadly they are in danger of losing their salvation.

There are some who were former spiritual leaders but when they are ensnared with the things of the world, they have turned away and now are no longer in fellowship with God. Their salvation has been lost. This is the danger that believers must be aware that just like the Israelite who missed out from inheriting the Promised Land, back slided Christians can also lose their salvation.

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