Saturday 20 May 2017

1 Cor 10: 13

God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.

The adversary Satan would do everything to try and trip us on our walk with God. He would throw obstacles and temptations at us to try and cause us to stumble and to fall into sin. His modus operandi is that he will throw temptations at every opportunity that he gets at the children of God.

Temptation is not something that we will choose but they are there when we least expect it. However when Satan presents a temptation to us, God has given us the ability to avoid or overcome it. King Solomon wrote about how we should deal with temptations in Prov 4:15 “Avoid it, do not travel on it; turn from it and go on your way.”

The scriptures clearly remind us not to entertain temptations and if we toy with it, Satan would be so happy as he would then have his hooks onto us. Take for example the habit of gambling, if we do not go near it and get involved, we would be safe. However if we think we can dabble with it in a small way like some of us will say, we will only play small.

This is exactly what Satan loves, when you play small, he will allow you to savour the pleasure of winning and then greed creeps in and it will ensnare you. In a very short time, this compulsion of gambling will completely control our lives and will soon destroy us.

The same applies to drug indulgence, it can start with a small puff on the cigarette or someone may ask you to try taking a small dose of drug. The exhilarating feelings that you will get will take you further and further into the habit and soon you will become an addict. Addiction is an imprisonment that a person cannot get out on his own, he would need some outside help in order to overcome and escape from it.

God said in today’s verse that He will always provide for us a way to overcome and to resist the temptations that are hurled at us by the devil. That is his job; it is to ensnare God’s children. If we are not experiencing any temptations or other forms of attack from Satan, it means we are already in his control and he is manipulating our lives and he does not need to fall into sin as by now we would already be living in sin.

God had promised that He would not allow us to be tempted beyond our ability to withstand it. Every time we are confronted with temptations, we must quickly turn to God and ask Him for His forgiveness and protection.

God through His Son showed us the way to overcome temptations. He went through the trials of temptations and triumphs over them so that he can defeat the tempter as well as showed us the way to resist and overcome temptations. He did it but quoting the scriptures where Satan who also knows the scriptures very well could not counter it.

Jesus defeated Satan with the Word of Scriptures; we too must know the word so that we can use the word of God to defeat Satan. When we are tempted we must use the word of God as it is a sharp double edge sword that God has provided for us to use.

Stand on the word and fight every temptation.

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