Tuesday 2 May 2017

Gen 28:16

Surely the Lord is in this place, and I was not aware of it.

Jacob had a one on one encounter with God and He dreamt of a vision of a stairway going from the earth to the heavens and he saw angels going up and down this stairway. Then he realized that God had visited him and he proclaimed ‘surely God is in this place…’

It is true that God’s presence have been felt by many people at different times and at different places. Sometimes it may be when we are experiencing very difficult situations and we suddenly sense the assuring presence of God and then we receive a word or inspiration that will lift us from the spiritually low that we may be in.

As for David, he has written in so many of his psalms of how God has always been with him and how God had delivered him through many dangers. God had also communicated with David about His plans and promises for him. In turn Davis had always obeyed God throughout his life except for one occasion when he fell into sin when he committed adultery with Uriah’s wife.

On a personal level I could remember that at one period I used to go each morning to the fringe of the jungle where there was no one around. It was all quiet and the air was cold and fresh in the morning. I would spend about an hour meditating on the scriptures and communicating with God. This went on for months or around a year when on one morning, I felt the tangible presence of the Holy Spirit and a still voice confirming with me ‘I am the One who has called you and I will bless and use you.’

It was such an awesome experience and there was an overwhelming sense of peace in that place. It was a period when I could spend quality time with God away from the hassle and buzzle of activities and be really quiet with the Lord.

God is looking out to His children and waiting for us to reach out to Him in our communion with Him. He wants to love us, embrace us and bless us with His grace. He wants to overflow us with His love. We always sign the chorus, ‘Come O Lord and overflow us with your love..’  Each time we sign this chorus, God hears us in heaven and He truly wants to come and overflow us with His love.

The problem is we rush through our quiet time with Him and never gave Him an opportunity to show us His love. We rust with our activities, our plans for the day or our plans for the family.

In fact we push God out of our daily life with all the business of the daily activities. Our God is patiently waiting for us to give Him some time just as we would want to spend some time with our little children or grandchildren. God wants to show us His love but we are robbing ourselves from it.

Let us give more time to God daily so that we can reach out and receive that touch from Him.

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