Sunday 7 May 2017

Heb 13: 15

Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice – the fruit of lips that openly profess his name.

The plan of God when he created the angels was for them to praise and worship Him. The scriptures tell us that Lucifer was the chief worship leader. He was in fact created as such a beautiful and glorious angel because he had an important role which was the leader of all the angels who would gather and worship God.

That was what the angels were created for and when Lucifer saw the glory and the pageantry of worship that happens in heaven, he because jealous and wanted all that for himself. That was when he said in his heart that he wants to take over the throne of God and receive all that worship and praise for himself.

This was the first sin and it was the sin of rebellion. We can say that both pride and rebellion that came together was the mother of all sin and every other sin came as a result after that. The rest we know already that God caste Lucifer down from heaven and he took one third of the heavenly angels with him.

Lucifer became Satan and the fallen angels became the principalities and demons that are in the world today.

Likewise God created man to worship Him and to have interaction with God. At the beginning when God created man, both were interacting and fellowshipping freely. In fact God used to come down to earth to fellowship with man. Then all these beautiful relationship were broken because of sin and God did not come down on a personal level to interact and fellowship with man anymore.

However, he commanded that man must worship Him and that is the true plan and purpose of God. He desires and delights in our praises and our worship. This is the thing that pleases God. There is nothing else that pleases Him for He created all things and He owns all things. They belong to Him in the first place and we cannot give Him anything.

The only thing that we can give Him is our praises and our worship. The writer of Hebrew also tells us in today’s scripture that we must continually offer the fruit of our lips which are the praises of our heart and lips. When our lives are holy and righteous, then our praises will be like sweet aroma to God. The offerings that we offer up would be holy offering which would please and delight God.

Therefore when God has already redeemed and saved us, the only thing that we should do and can do is to praise and worship Him sincerely and faithfully.

Therefore the writer of Hebrews tells us; let us be faithfully in discharging this responsibility so that we can draw near to our God daily. 

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