Monday 29 May 2017

Matt 6:1

Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.

God desires that His children be righteous and holy and being so it is expected that we must have godly traits. Among these would be humility, meekness, gentleness etc. These would apply to our spiritual lives that when we are living our lives as believers, then we must be testimonies to the living God.

Jesus even told us that when we pray, we must get inside our closet and be alone with God. That means that our prayer lives must be private and personal. We are not to put on a show of our spirituality or spiritual prowess. Jesus also said when we fast and pray we must freshen up and not put on a false front as though we are so affected in our fast.

In all that Jesus and the apostles have taught, the humility of the believer has always been emphasized. Pride is a sin that will cause the downfall of even the senior men of God. We have seen when pride overtakes an individual or when greed overtakes an individual then the following results would be very disastrous.

I have had personal encounters with anointed men and women of God and when they have been tempted in the flesh and have succumbed to it, the sad thing is that they would be found out and their ministries and their lives would all be destroyed.

Pride is the sin that originated in Satan and he had passed this on to all those who are controlled by him. Satan will influence his minions and followers to be proud just as he is. This is a spiritual cancer as pride will lead to the hardening of the heart and it would also lead to other sins like unforgiveness, wickedness and all forms of cruelties.

In today’s text, Jesus is reminding us that we must die to pride and to live in humility and submissiveness to one another. It is only when there is mutual submission will there be unity and love.

A meek and humble corporate culture will create a united body of Christ that will not only bring out the love of Christ in the Church but it will also draw non-believers towards the church.

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