Friday 19 May 2017

Psalm 78 : 4

We will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power, and the wonders he has done.

The psalmist reminds the people that they must continue to teach the next generation all about the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, His power and the wonders he has done. He is reminding the people of the faithfulness of God who took them out of captivity and slavery and now having brought them to their new home in Canaan.

Just as there are many distractions and temptations that are in the world that would draw the people of God into sin, the Israelite were similarly enticed to follow after other gods. Much of the problem was because they did not have a firm foundation of the faith and they did not have the fear of God in their hearts.

The bible clearly tells us that the blood of Jesus washes away our sins but as for the sin of the eyes, the mind and the heart, these can only be washed by the power of the word of God. It is when we study and meditate upon the word that it would purify our thoughts which in turn guide us to direct our eyes and heart away from the temptations of sin.

The main weapon that Satan uses against the people of God is the temptation of the flesh. Satan knows that all men are weak in their flesh, especially in the area of sexuality. This sin is common in both men and women both are tempted and controlled by the desires that are in their bodies. Many believers are entrapped in this area including some clergy as well as ministers.

No one is spared of this and except and unless we fortify ourselves with the study and meditating of the word of scriptures, no man or woman can withstand the temptations of the flesh on their own.

The psalmist reminds that it is important for us to talk about God and all that He has done for us so as to encourage and strengthen our foundation of our faith. This is even more important for the young children, it is when the foundation of their faith is secured at a young age that their faith will continue to hold strong and see them through the challenges in life in adulthood.

Proverbs also remind us as parents that we must share the word of God and the stories of God’s goodness and mercies to our children so that this would secure their trust and faith in God in later years. If this is not established, then their faith and salvation can be lost when they enter into the adult world where there are lots of temptations around.

In the city that I am now, the flesh trade is legalized and shops offering such facilities and appliances advertise their trade and services openly. This is how liberal the world has become and the only defense against this is a strong foundation in God.

As parents, let us be reminded that we must teach and protect our young ones from as young as possible.

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