Wednesday 17 May 2017

Zechariah 3: 4 

See, I have taken away  your sin, and I will put fine garments on you.

Zechariah was given a vision of Joshua who appeared in filthy rags and Satan was there accusing him of his sin but as the vision continued, God said to an angel nearby to take remove the flighty rags from Joshua and replaced it with a new robe and a turban on his head.

This signified that God had made Joshua clean having removed his filthy clothes and covering him in rich garments. The turban and new robes signified that all Joshua’s sins have been removed and now he is righteous before the Lord.

Living in this world all men are ensnared with the tentacles of sin in our lives. Everyone has done wrong in the eyes of God, lying, gossiping, stealing, coveting and many other sins that we are not even aware of. These may seem trivial in our eyes but they constitute sin nevertheless.

We may think these are small sin but to God, all sin are sin and are to be punished if unrepentant. Therefore we need to constantly seek God and ask for His forgiveness of even the smallest sin of all. Some of these we may have even totally forgotten, it could be a harsh word to our family members or to a colleague.

Some months ago I went to a Church that was mightily used by God many years ago where there was a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the people. The whole state was transformed and many people repented and gave their lives to Jesus Christ.

Many miracles took place and God rose up many powerful evangelists, pastors, prophets and even apostles. However, over the years many have grown complacent and cold and have even back slide.

The day I was there to take a revival meeting I share what the Lord has given to me for the Church. At the end of the meeting as the whole Church came forward to surrender their lives again to God, an old prophetess saw a vision as the people moved forward. She saw that the whole congregation transformed into one man and he was dressed in filthy rags but as the person came to the altar, then his clothes was turned into white and clean clothes.

The prophetess said that when the congregation repented as they came forward, God saw their hearts and forgave all their sins and gave them the cloak of righteousness as Joshua had received.

Our God is still a loving and merciful God; He is ever willing to welcome us home and to forgive all our sins. All that He wants is for us, His children to repent and turn back to Him. There is no sin too great that He cannot forgive. We only need to get up and say to the Father, here am I, I want to come back to Jesus Christ and be forgiven of all my sins.

God is faithful and He will forgive and make us clean again.

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