Thursday 18 May 2017


Please take time to read this.

On 12th May 2017 from 2am to 5.15am I had an amazing encounter with the Lord.

It started off when I woke up at 2am and was very restless and could not sleep. I tried to sleep but ended up praying in tongues for almost One Hour. While praying I had a real sense that there was a word coming from God, but it was  blocked by the principalities and powers of darkness in high places. So I continued to press on in prayer.

Around 4am I received the word. “ My Son the time for the word spoken by Smith Wigglesworth to come to fulfilment is at hand. I want my church to prepare in the next 3 years for a mighty outpouring of my presence which will start a national reformation starting 2020 – 2030 of LOVE and Holy Spirt FIRE. This Revival Fire will turn the nations back to me and cause national reformation throughout the whole world in many nations”.

Attached is the Prophetic word released in the early 20th century by Smith Wigglesworth regarding Australia and the nations.  Please take time to read this. As it is very encouraging, exciting and challenging.

The following article was released in October 2011.

Over the last weekend Pr Daniel ministered at a Four Square Gospel Church and an AOG church in Sydney, Australia where more than 400 people in all attended the 4 revival services.
The Spirit of God moved mightily at every service, with many receiving a fresh touch and supernatural encounter from the awesome presence of the Lord Jesus Christ!
I am sure many of you have heard, that at the beginning of the 20th century, Smith Wigglesworth prophesied about Australia’s mighty revival and how God will use Australia to impact the nations.
3 years ago Pr Daniel ministered at the same AOG church in Sydney, where he just preached over the weekend. The Senior Pastor of this church was Pr Norm Armstrong, who is now 95 years old. Pr Daniel feels that now is the time to share what happened at that meeting 3 years ago.
As Pr Norm got up to introduce Pr Daniel to preach to the congregation, he suddenly came under a great anointing of the Holy Spirit, and started sharing about what happened when he was a young boy.
He said, “My father was a Salvation Army officer who sold insurance policies for a living. One of his customers was an elderly lady who would all ways tell him, ‘Son you need to be baptised in the Holy Spirit’. One day the lady got him through the Holy Spirit, he was baptised in the Holy Spirit and started speaking in tongues. This resulted in him having to leave the Salvation Army. Then my father went on to start a Pentecostal gathering at our home. Our home was possibly one of the first places in Australia in the early 1900’s where the Holy Spirit was free to move.
I was only a very young boy when my Dad told me one day that a man called Smith Wigglesworth was coming to minister in our home, and that he was a mighty man of God. We were all very excited. The day came, and our house was packed out with people. I wanted to get a good look at him and the only place was the toilet seat, so I went in there to watch him preach.

To read more of this Prophetic Word by Smith Wigglesworth click the link below

(A few months after I released this word in 2011 Ps Norm Armstrong went to be with the Lord.)

The Lord has asked me to make some major changes in our ministry in preparation for this move of God in the next 3 years.

I am sensing that there is going to be a mighty shaking and people are going to be crying out for God. At this time the church will be their only answer.

God bless you and have a wonderful weekend ahead
Pastor Daniel Nalliah
Catch The Fire Ministries
PO Box 148
30 Star Crescent
Hallam VIC 3803 Australia
Tel (613) 9703 1620

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