Friday 21 April 2017

2 Cor 9:7Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion.

Many lessons have been taught in Church about giving to the Church. Of course this is true as the Church and workers need to be paid and cost of running a Church needs to be met. Giving our tithes is fundamental to Church ministry as well as for us individually.

In psalm 72: 13 “He will take pity on the weak and the needy and save the needy from death.” God knows the need of those who are in lack and He instructs that we who can must look after them. Jesus too taught on looking after widows and orphans. We also need to look at those who have retired and are jobless and not having any financial means.

In this area, there are many ministers who are not receiving support after they have retired. They have served faithfully the Church and the congregation and after they have retired, their financial support has been cut. This is a sad thing but many Churches fail to look after their former pastors/workers. This is a failure on their responsibilities.

In the letters of Paul he also mentioned the need to support the widows, orphans and the retired servants of God. Paul know poverty as he too went on faith, not receiving any salary from any Church but relying totally on God’s providence.

This is a reminder to those who are blessed that they would need to give generously as God has blessed them generously.

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