Tuesday 25 April 2017

Gal 6:9Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

Paul reminds that the work of the gospel involves reaching out to those who have not heard nor experienced the goodness of the gospel. Paul is saying that to share the gospel it involves not only preaching but also working as in doing good works.

Paul had in his letters to the churches also mentioned that faith must be accompanied by works. When good works are demonstrated, it shows the non-believers the value system of the church or the body of Christ. Those who receive the good works will see the love of God flowing through us.

This is most effective when others see our good deeds performed willingly and out of love. I remembered that some years ago when our state was inundated with severe flooding and the people who were in the rural areas where washed out of their homes, they had no time to remove their belongings and everything that came under the flood water were destroyed.

All the furniture, electrical appliances, clothing, personal belonging and even their vehicles that went under water were a write off. Nothing could be salvaged and literally the poor people lost everything. The help from the government was limited and was slow in coming.

Then our church and some of the other churches began to mobilise our resources of man power and contacts to raise donations for relief for the poor flooded out families. We were able to come out with new cooking utensils, cookers and food which at least the families could have something to live once the flood subsided. This would have been a problem to the families as they are poor and could not come up with cash to restart immediately.

Their crops too were all washed away and the palm trees also died together with all other agricultural products. The church members also volunteered to help the people to wash their homes where mud had been deposited after the flood water subsided.

All these were done without the people even asking, the Christians immediately went out to help. They went to the flooded villages and did what they needed to do to help the poor people.

This was a good testimony for the body of Christ as the villages saw the love of God and the Church in action. As a result many of the villagers were touched and some gave their lives to the Lord.

This is another powerful way of demonstrating the love of God to the unsaved world. Our lives and actions are the living proof of the gospel. The actions and words that we speak confirm the gospel of God to be the salvation plan of God to the world.

Let us not be weary of doing good whenever the opportunity arise and let us be proof producers for the gospel of love of Jesus Christ.

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