Thursday 13 April 2017

John 12: 3Mary took about a pint of pure nard, an expensive perfume; she poured it on Jesus’ feet and wiped his feet with her hair.

In the hours before Jesus was  betrayed by Judas, Jesus and His disciples were being entertained to dinner and Mary who was rescued from being stoned to death by Jesus for committing adultery came and poured a whole bottle of expensive perfume on the feet of Jesus.

Mary had fully been reborn, she had left her old profession in the sex trade and now she is a true believer and follower of Jesus. She was so much committed to her faith that she made a huge sacrifice of buying a bottle of perfume which would have cost a year’s wages. It was a big sacrifice of love on her part. This would most probably cost her of her life savings.

Mary also was willing to be thought as being immodest as in those days, the women must cover their head. Here Mary did not wear a head cover but she removed it and exposed her hair and not only that, she bend down to the ground level in humility and used her hair to clean Jesus’ feet.

In contrast, we see that many Christians in Church today want to be esteemed by others, they want others to look up to them, have positions of leadership and they even demand honour and respect from the people. Such attitude is pride which is the mother of all sins which caused Lucifer to fall from heaven and he became Satan.

If Christian leaders and believers are proud and arrogant, then they have become children of Satan. To be worthy children of God,  we can look at Mary who humbled herself to the level of washing and cleaning the feet of Jesus, she even kissed the feet of Jesus. Such was her humility and this is what earned her a place in heaven. This is a thought that we must not forget, God loves and honour the humble and He rejects the proud.

Let us continue to worship God in humility and love as Mary did.

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