Sunday 30 April 2017

Psalm 4:3

Know that the Lord has set apart his faithful servant for himself.

David wrote this psalm while he was going through so much of persecution in his life. He was mistreated by family and friends. His life was even threatened on many occasions but all this while he remained faithful to God and never wavering in his trust in the Almighty.

It is only when one has built and developed such am intimate relationship with God that David can confidently say ‘that the Lord has set apart his faithful servant for himself.’ Some versions translated “faithful servant” with “godly” servant.

Whichever way we look at it, it denotes the interpretation of those who God loves forever and ever. In this case, David had such a privileged position that his name and life has been documented for all history to remember and learn from.

Learning from this, it is an endearing thought that it is an honour to be loved and set apart in a special way by God. We are no longer strangers but we are now beloved children of His. As children, He will love and care for us all our lives and He will teach us His way to inherit His kingdom in heaven.

With this assurance, we can now help and assure others as David assures us so that we can also help others to know our Father in heaven more and in turn receive His love and blessing.

This is what we live for as believers of Jesus Christ and as children of the heavenly Father. Our hope and future lies in our position as faithful and godly children of God.

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