Sunday 16 April 2017

John 14: 3I go and prepare a place for you.

When Jesus resurrected and He appeared to the disciples for 40 days and during this time He revealed to them that He is going to prepare a place for all of His believers in heaven. Jesus is our Saviour and brother, He promised that He has gone before us o that He can prepare a place for us.

Jesus had also taught and revealed this to us through the scriptures and He also said that in the last days, there will be signs in the heavens above. In the recent times, we have been hearing trumpet sounds coming from heaven and these was heard around the earth.

Similarly there have also been many sightings in the sky of images of tall buildings which were captured on camera. There were sightings in Africa, China, Malaysia, Europe of images of big tower blocks in the sky. There was also a very clear picture that was taken by a NASA satellite somewhere over the skies in Africa which showed very clearly tower blocks glittering in the sun.

When this image appeared the NASA satellite was cruising by and it took many pictures of this strange vision.

This is the promise of Jesus that He has actually gone to prepare a physical place for us in heaven where we can call home. In the book of Revelation we also ready that this Heavenly Jerusalem will come down from heaven and will be hovering above the worldly Jerusalem. From all these we now can be assured that Heaven is real and is a physical place. Heaven is our home and we all need to ensure that we do not lose it. 

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