Sunday 9 April 2017

Devotions 10 April 2017

John 1: 12
Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.

John had made the revelation that as believers who believed in Jesus Christ we have become children of God and we are also joint heirs with Him to the kingdom of heaven.

These are turbulent times; we read that yesterday two Churches in Egypt were bombed by jihadists. Why did it happen? What did the believers do wrong? Why do they deserve to die and be wounded.

Jesus warned us that there will be dangers for believers in these last days. The enemies of the cross are getting bolder each day. They do not hide their intentions anymore; they boldly proclaim that they want to destroy the believers of Jesus Christ for they belong to the adversary of the cross. Near to 50 people has died and hundreds are wounded.

Nearer to home another brother in Christ have been abducted by unknown persons at large. This makes a total of six people who are walking in the steps of Jesus and also doing His work to have been kidnapped mysteriously. What have they done wrong? Instead these are people who have been doing good and they bring the peace of the gospel to the lost.

Whatever may have happened to them, we know that they true children of God and His hand is over them. No matter what has happened, God sees from heaven and He keeps His own safe. If they are not safe in this world, then they are safe in His kingdom above.

What we have been taught from the scriptures is that the days of tribulation will come and the Church will be tested. Even the early Church was birth in tribulation, and all through history the church has experienced tribulation. Jesus is telling us that the end time Church will also have to go through tribulation and the church must stand strong.

Let us build out foundation strong and be firmly rooted in the scriptures. 

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