Sunday 23 April 2017

Phipp 1: 6He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

Yesterday in a Church I attended the speaker share a message on doing the works of the spirit. He took the opportunity to show a video clip depicting a pastor visiting Jerusalem from the States and this pastor had a healing ministry and operates in the word of knowledge. On the video we could see him operating effectively in these gifts.

At the end of his message, he challenged the congregation to seek toward spiritual maturity and gifting and to seek the gifts of the Holy Spirit so as to be effective in their ministry.

This is exactly what Paul meant when he wrote the scripture above that ‘He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.’ God’s intention and purpose for each of us is that we must grow in spiritual stature so that we can do the works of God.

Paul is saying that our lives calling is for this purpose only and we should be laser targeting this calling and serving Christ until the day He returns. We are all expecting and looking towards this coming revival that the Holy Spirit has been speaking through His prophets. There is going to be a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit in this last days and we the servants of God are going to be mobilized and energized into God’s end times army and we will carry out great exploits for God.

The prophecy is that the outpouring of the Holy spirit during this End Times will be so powerful that it will be something that the world has not seen before. This will be the time which Jesus Christ has prophesied that the works that He has done, greater works than that shall we do in His name.

We the end times servants of God must be ready and prepared for this call up by God, we need to keep ourselves pure and holy so that we can be clean vessels for the Lord’s use. God is preparing His End Times army, we all have a calling in this and therefore we need to equip ourselves so that the work that Jesus Christ has started in us will be complete in us when the new revival of the world comes.

Let us get ready and keep the oil in our lamps.

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