Saturday 22 April 2017

Psalm 145:18The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.

This is one of the psalms of David where he has been continuously praising and exalting the name of God. David has never ceased to worship God, this is his first nature and before he does anything else it was his normal practice to worship God.

As such he has an intimate relationship with God; he was able to tap on to God at all times. Here he declares his experience of receiving the closeness of God and he encourages other to emulate what he does habitually. He can only teach what he has experienced and know. Every teacher must be an expert in what he teaches.

In David’s case he has developed his relationship to such a high level that he could experience a one on one conversation with God. Yesterday I was watching a video of an autistic boy of seven years and he cannot speak well but he communicates with his parents by typing on an iPad.

For about 2 years now this boy has been experiencing receiving prophetic words about people and events. He was able to operate in prophecy and the world of knowledge as he could hear from God and some ministering angels. Recently he is saying that every night he is being translated to heaven where he attends lessons taught by angels. He receives understanding and truth and explanation of scriptures that are very difficult to interpret.

This was like the apostle Paul who received the revelation of the Doctrines that were given to him and in turn he taught it to the NT believers. When this boy is with his parents he could write down these teaching and shared them with his parents. In turn the parents shared them with the Church.

Now this is because the boy is pure and innocent, God delights in his heart and chose to treat him specially and begin to impart knowledge that even highly trained theologians don’t know.

This is the living God whom we worship. He is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He is the God of David and he is also our God today. What he had done for them in days past, He is still able to do today.  All that he desires from us is that we be really close to Him and interact with Him and He will interact with us. 

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