Tuesday 4 April 2017

Psalm 63:6-7On my bed I remember you; I think of you through the watches of the night. Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings.

The life that David led was one where he said that he would worship the Lord from his rising till he lay down. David has written numerous psalms declaring this and in this psalm he states that even as he put his head to the pillow his thoughts are on God. This is a good practice as it would lead towards a passage of godly dreams and also it would set the tone for the morning thoughts.

David had a pattern of daily meditating upon the Lord and he would intermix this with times of worship and adoration of God. David also revealed that when we do that we would naturally build a stronger worship lifestyle. Prayers and worship would come naturally and easily. There is a freedom for worship in our lives.

For those who are not habitual in worshiping God, we hear of constant complaints that they find it difficult to pray and to express their worship to God. Like in everything else, practice is essential to be efficient and perfect. Every skill can only be perfected as a result of practicing over and over.

From my balcony I overlook the cricket ground and tennis courts down below. Each day I am able to see the sportsmen or sports women practicing their skills. They would be practicing the same stroke or move over and over for long duration. Day in and day out they would be doing the same until they have perfected the shot or move.

It is only when they have practiced thousands of time that they can perfect that skill. Then when it is time for them to put it into play, they would be able to execute the perfect shot.

This is the same in our spiritual life, if we want to be effective in ministry, we too need to stir up our spiritual life and this too must be a disciplines and practiced lifestyle. We need to spend long hours in prayers and worship. It is only when we do that and only then would we be efficient in ministry. There is no short cut towards success.

We cannot purchase success or the anointing, these are acquired through constant and unlimited practice just as David demonstrated.

Sometimes we think are envious of the anointing of some of the ministers, we wish we too can function at such a powerful level. The truth is if we want that, we need to work for it and to seek God’s favour and grace to equip and anoint us.

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