Saturday 15 April 2017

Isaiah 53: 12He poured out his life unto death.

Over 700 years before the first coming of Jesus Christ, Isaiah had already given a full prophecy for the coming and life of the Messiah. In this verse Isaiah prophesied that Jesus would pour out his life unto death which meant that Jesus would give up His life for the sake of redeeming all sinners in the world.

When Jesus came, he came as a little baby born by a virgin mother. He was meek when he came; He received the insults and abuse of the teachers of the law. He was ill treated by the soldiers and also the insults of the crowd.

Today I was walking along the pedestrian mall in the city and I was surprised to see a life performance of the tortured and crucifixion of Jesus complete with a unruly crowd shouting ‘crucify him, crucify him’. This was put up by a local church and the pastor gave a running proclamation of the gospel to the spectators who were out at the mall.

Immediately after that, there were several personal testimonies of men and women who were once living wretched lives but they had heard the gospel and had given their lives to Jesus and now they are completely changed. They testified to the miracles that Jesus had done in their lives.

They shared that Jesus had taken away their sins and had shown mercy to be upon them. It was this love and mercy that brought them out of the darkness of sin and into the wonderful light of life in Jesus Christ.

Then one by one they challenged the crowd to respond to the invitation of the gospel. This is what the holidays is about, the death and redemption that Christ had come to fulfil for the sake of all sinners. This is the bedrock of Christianity and if not for this, then as Christians our faith would be in vain.

The resurrection is not about Easter eggs, bunnies, and chocolates. Satan had sown his lies and deceived the world about the true meaning of Passover and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. This deception has overtaken the world and has even crept into the Churches and led many astray. The truth of the gospel which is the death and resurrection of Jesus which grant all men salvation has been changed.

As believers we need to share this true message of the Resurrection.  It is all about the Son of God and not about the nonsense of Easter bunnies, Easter Eggs hunt etc. let us look to Jesus the Son of God at this season. 

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