Wednesday 5 April 2017

Daily Devotion 6th April 2017

Psalm 102:27You remain the same, and your years will never end.

This is a revelation from God to the psalmist about the unchangeable nature of God. We are told that the God we worship is the same yesterday, today and forever the same. This would mean that even before the beginning, before even the forming of the earth, God has been the same. The attributes of God has been in existence and has never changed and will never change in the future.

James also wrote about the goodness of God in James 1: 17 ‘Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows’ In the world times and seasons change. The times of civilization change from civilization to civilization. Customs and culture change, governments change, way of life change, our values also change.

In the nature, seasons change, even within a day there can be many changes in the environment and atmosphere. Temperature changes, weather condition changes. We just had the cyclone ‘Debbie’ hitting the northern regions where great destruction had happened. Houses were flattened, crops were destroyed and large expanse of lane were flooded up to 30 ft deep and food crops were destroyed.

These speak of the unpredictable nature of life. Nothing is for sure and there is no security or safety in nature or man-made.  The only security can only be found in God. He is the only one who cannot change and who does not change. His love endures forever.

This same love he has imparted to us that those who are parents would understand that the love that they have for their children is also unconditional and forever. No matter how unfilial the children may be, the love of the parents will never change.

Let us also remain faithful to our God who is also our heavenly Father and no matter how much we have sinned, He still sees us as joint heirs with His Son Jesus. When he sees us, He does not see our sins, He sees the righteousness of His Son upon our lives. Because we are in Christ, He covers all our sins and iniquities with His righteousness.

Let us not abuse this privilege but let us consolidate our relationship with God through Christ.

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