Friday 18 August 2017

Daily Deotions 18th Aug 2017

Psalm 100: 3Know that the Lord is God, it is he who made us, and we are his.

The psalmist acknowledged that our lives belong to God as we have been made by Him. Though we have earthly parents but God had predestined us even before we were born. His word also said that He knew us even before we were in our mother’s womb.

God had already set us apart and had prepared a destiny for each of us. I have heard about a person whom God called and said that He would build the person an empire and many years later, true enough that person had become very successful and in turn he had been faithful to the Lord’s work.

Just like Saul who later became Paul the apostle to the gentiles, God knew him even before Saul found Jesus Christ. When Jesus called him into ministry, Jesus said that he was called for that specific ministry of reaching the gentiles for God. As a result Paul became obedient and gave up everything and traveled throughout the western world at that time to share the gospel of salvation.

Paul having known the calling that God had given to him became totally obedient till he completed the mission that God had given to him.

Many others have also committed their lives to Jesus Christ after they discovered their calling. Today we see also many professionals like doctors, engineers, bankers, teachers and many other professionals who gave up lucrative futures to just serve God in total obedience. They have forsaken their earthly security and just trusted in God to use them in the work of the kingdom.

This then brings us to the promise that God has made in Phil 1: 6 He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

When God calls, He will also equip and when we are obedient we will surely see the fulfillment of God’s plans in our lives. Many of the faithful servants of God are seeing their international ministries being fulfilled day by day as they walk according to their calling and have seen great fruit in their ministries.

As for ourselves, if we know our calling then we must remain faithful until God’s plans are fully accomplished in us. 

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