Monday 14 August 2017

Daily Devotions 14th August 2017

Matt 19: 14Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.

When Jesus said that the kingdom of God belongs who those who are like children, He meant that the people should have pure hearts like the children. When the children are young they will believe everything that adults say to them and they will be obedient totally to every instruction given to them.

It is only when the children grow older that they start to learn rebellious traits especially in the teen years. As they grow older, unless they are taught and guided, they would tend to follow the behaviour of their peers and it’s their nature to want to go against authorities unless they have been inculcated to obey from early childhood.  

Therefore we must understand what Jesus is saying, he did not meant only children belong to heaven and of course they do. As far as we know, little children will go straight to heaven if they die. This is before they are in the age to differentiate between good and evil. After they have reached that age where they can differentiate, then they would have to account for their words and actions.

In the same way, adults have the ability to make choices. More often they want to go against the law of God as it restricts them to narrow boundaries. Beyond the boundaries are the attractions of the world which are traps and distractions that Satan put in our way to draw us away from God. The ways of the world go against the ways of God and these are the ways of the devil.
Worldly ways are ungodly and will lead to sin and the rewards of sin which is eternal death. This is what Jesus is telling us, we need to change our ways to the same level of purity as those of children. We must not harbour evil and unforgiveness. We need to be merciful and forgiving.

The fruit of the spirit is what God has given to us, let us develop and build up the fruit that is in us.

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