Thursday 24 August 2017

John 4 :35Open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.

This is the word from Jesus to His disciples that the world which is full of people seeking to find the true God is all around. Their hearts are ripe for the harvest, they are seeking for salvation but do not know where to turn to and which God to help them.

In fact these are lost in the quest for eternal life and are turning to all kinds of false religion. It is indeed a sad thing to see many educated people who are either spiritually blinded or too proud to accept the truth of the gospel. Though their hearts are ripe for the harvest but Jesus said that there is a lack of labourers to bring in the harvest.

Jesus is talking about spiritual workers who would go out to seek the lost and begin to share the gospel with them. In some parts of the world, God had already sent early missionaries to go and sow the seeds of the gospel. Now those who have heard the gospel years before, their hearts are ready and their souls are thirsting to hear the message of salvation and to give their lives to Jesus.

The task is left for us to fulfil. We can now reap where we have not sown before. John 4: 38 I sent you to reap what you have not worked for. Jesus knows that in many areas of the world, the harvest of souls is ripe and ready, the people are seeking. All that we need to do is to go and share the gospel, then we will bring in the new souls into the kingdom.

Are we ready to offer ourselves as labourers in this end time harvest of souls? Let us answer the call and tell the Lord, Here am I, send me.

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