Thursday 10 August 2017

Daily Devotions 10th Aug 2017

Psalm 80: 3

Restore us, O God; make your face shine on us, that we may be saved.

The psalmist as he wrote this psalm was in the most difficult period, the enemies are encroaching on them from all sides. The northern nation of Israel had been defeated and now Judah is facing the same threat from the enemies.

When the psalmist wrote seeking the face of God to shine upon them, it meant that he was seeking God’s favour and protection. It is like when a child is facing a threat or danger, the child would look to the father for his assurance and safety. The child knows that when he sees the father’s face, he will be safe and protected for the father will ensure that no harm will come to the child.

In the same manner, the psalmist was writing the psalm and calling out to God to reveal His grace and mercy to be upon the nation which is now facing danger from all sides. The psalmist said that they are seeking God’s face so that they may be saved.

This brings out the truth, as believers and children of God, our safety and security is in our Father God. We must continue to seek His protection and overshadowing of His hand.

Even today, the nation of Israel continues to call on to God when the enemies all around them are threatening them. The situation today is just like the situation of the psalmist when he wrote this psalm. Today Israel is also facing the challenges of their enemies from all sides but even as Israel calls out as a nation, God is faithful and have been hearing and answering all the prayers of His people.

From the accounts we receive, we know that God’s protection has definitely been seen over His people Israel. It is humanly impossible to ward off so many hostile nations and remain safe unless God’s hand is over Israel.
We too can cry out to God in times f danger and threats and we too can call to God our Father to protect and deliver us from all dangers.

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