Friday 18 August 2017

Daily devotions 17th August 2017

Micah 4: 4Everyone will sit under their own vine and under their own fig tree, and no one will make them afraid.

This was the prophecy that Micah gave to the nation of Israel became disobedient and God had allowed the nation of Israel to be conquered by the Assyrians and the temple in Jerusalem destroyed. God also declared that the Israelite would be scattered throughout the world but in the future God will certainly call them back from all the far corners of the world.

Today this has happened as we see that God is now revealing where the lost tribes have been scattered. We see that from the US there is a group of several hundred Israelite flying back to the Holy Land. In the past few months there were the Jews that came back from India, China and even from Japan. There are also some who have been discovered in Indonesia and all these are being brought back to Israel.

Not forgetting that there were also several million who came back from all parts of Europe and Russia. Over the last 50 years, God had been bringing back His people to Israel and this time they would not be scattered anymore.
This also brings to mind that in the days before Jesus’ return, God is raising the 144,000 young Jewish men to be the end time’s witnesses for the gospel. These would come from the twelve tribes with 12,000 from each tribe. The return of the Jews is proving that the prophecies of God are true and are all coming to past.

Looking at Israel today, we see the development and transformation of Israel from a desert and a wasteland into a rich and productive land.

Any visitor to Israel will see thousands of acres of cultivated dates all over Israel, the plains along the Jordon river is one of the richest in the world and Israel is exporting fruits and vegetables o Europe. Their livestock of cattle and sheep are producing more milk and wool than those in other countries.

Israel has become a self-sufficient nation and today it is truly a land that is flowing with milk and honey. We are seeing the fulfilment of the prophecy of Micah, Everyone will sit under their own vine and under their own fig tree, and no one will make them afraid.

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