Sunday 27 August 2017

Isaiah 62: 12You will be called Sought After, the City No Longer Deserted.

Isaiah is encouraging the Israelites who are now preparing to return to Israel and to the capital of Jerusalem. God had called them and sought for them from every corner where they have been exiled; they are now gathering and preparing all their belongings and are ready to start the long trek back to their homeland.

Many of them would have been born in captivity and have never seen Israel before. The city walls have now been rebuild by Nehemiah and the advance team that had gone before them and these are lining up along the highway to welcome back their brethren.

Isaiah told the Israelites that God had sought them out and He is bringing them back to His Holy City which was deserted for 70 years but now music and song can be heard once again in the Holy city. God is waiting in the city eagerly for His beloved children to return.

Today many of the believers are also distanced from God, some of us have been running after the things of the world and have never spend enough time to build ourselves up in the word of scriptures. We need to study and meditate upon it to strengthen our inner man, build up our faith and to stand and be strong.

God wants us to come back into His family, if we have been luke warm, then we need to get back to catch the fire of the Holy Spirit and the zeal to be in the house of God. We need to go out and do the work of the kingdom and to become fishers of man for Him.

Jesus has given to us the Great Commission and He is repeating the call to us to bring in the end times harvest, He says ‘the harvest is ripe but the labourers are few. Jesus is calling, let us respond to Him.

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