Tuesday 8 August 2017

Daily devotions 7th Aug 2017

John 10: 10

I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

Jesus reveals the truth about His mission on earth. It was to defeat the spirit of death and to bring life to all who believe in Him. Not only will we have life but we will have it to the fullest. The promise of Jesus reminds us of the character of God who is generous and kind. Not only will he not withhold any good things from us but He promised to reward us in abundance and fullness.

In Mark 10 : 17-20 Jesus reminded us that we are not to store up treasures on earth but instead we must store up treasures in heaven instead. The material wealth of this world are temporal, everything can be destroyed overnight. Look at the cities and the buildings that man takes pride in and have so much of attachment to it in the countries that are being ravage by war. The most beautiful buildings and palaces will turn to ruins and be worthless with a split second when a bomb falls on it.

We have seen some of the dictators’ palaces which are so beautiful and richly adorned but today these are worthless ruins and rumbles. Jesus had also constantly reminded us that we should be storing up our treasures in heaven where it will not be destroyed. The treasures in heaven are perfect and eternal.

Jesus also reminded us that for those who leave the world behind them and sacrifice all for Him, surely their rewards shall be great in heaven. Jesus said “whoever finds their lives (on this earth) will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it.”

Looking at the early believers, they were the ones who walked with Jesus, lived with Him and they totally believed and obeyed Him. There were many who had material wealth during that time but they were willing to let all of that go and instead chose to live frugal lives in obedience to Jesus Christ.

One of them was the apostle Paul who gave up his family and successful career to become the apostle to the gentiles. He did not receive any financial support and lived entirely by faith. He wrote of the times he had to be without food for days as he had no money to buy food. Paul also wrote that he had to do tent making to earn some money to support himself and his travelling companions. They ate when they had some money, and they hungered when they had none.

This brings us back to Jesus’ call to us to wait and receive the rewards from Him. His reward is great and generous.

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