Wednesday 16 August 2017

Daily Devotions 15th Aug 2017

Psalm 91: 4

He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge.

This is a psalm of David who writes in a dialog manner as he expresses his faith and relationship with God. He has lived a life that was spent in having an intimate relationship with the Father. He knew God more than anyone else and he could communicate just as one friend to another.

David had encountered countless threats and dangers in his life, he has under gone attacks and all kinds of dangerous situations and had narrowly escaped deaths on many occasions. Therefore he had many of such experiences and had seen how God had protected him. He knew every intimate condition and therefore David could use all kinds of descriptions to illustrate what he wanted to say.

In this example David speaks of the protection of the wings of a mother bird or hen. The way that the wing feathers are constructed is that the outer feathers have strong ribs and close knitted feathers that can catch the wind and enable the bird to fly. It is also so closely knitted that it has water proof properties which enable the mother bird to cover the chicks from the rain.

This is the illustration that David made in referring to God’s covering that He gives His people which protect them from all kinds of dangers. It is a simple but yet appropriate illustration that David made. This gives us a totally clear understanding of the mercies and love of God.

He will not allow his children to be put in harm’s way. This is the nature and love of God our Father.

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