Tuesday 8 August 2017

Daily Devotions 5th Aug 2017

Col 4: 6

Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.

Each believer has received a measure of the grace from Jesus Christ, here Paul reminds us that we have all received the measure of grace that has been meant for each one. When Christ came, He came full of grace and truth and His mission apart from granting salvation to all men, is also to bring grace to the believers.

This was in direct contrast with the law given to Moses. The law was a heavy burden to the people of Israel. There were lots of ‘you shall not do this or do that..’ It was very burdensome to live according to the law, in everywhere and everything there is judgement.

When Jesus came He fulfilled all the requirements of the law on our behalf and now Jesus Christ had put aside the law and in its place we have the grace of salvation which enables us to live our daily lives in Him.

Now that we have received His grace, Jesus commands us that we too in turn must release grace to those who are with us and also those who may not be with us. There are many times that our enemies will back stab us or slander against us, Jesus has taught us that we need to forgive them and also extend the same grace that we have received so that we can also win back the sinners for Christ.

Sometime in the flesh, we find this to be so difficult but all we need is to ask Jesus Christ for the grace to forgive and also to release them from their sins.

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