Friday 4 August 2017

John 14: 27

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

Jesus is preparing His followers for the time when He will leave them and return back to heaven. He mentioned that there will be challenging times for them but He would be with them through the Holy Spirit whom He would send and the Holy Spirit will be our comforter, counselor and teacher among many things else.

The time of parting is always sad for everyone and now Jesus knew that the hearts of His followers were heavy and sad and Jesus continued to counsel them saying that He will leave with them a peace that non-believers would not experience and would not understand. This is the supernatural peace that only God can give to His children and the world cannot receive it.

This peace surpasses all understanding of the human mind and it is explainable but it can be experienced. Many believers have experienced this and they have been blessed and restored in their love.

There was a couple who were having a huge domestic fight. Both the husband and wife were deeply hurt and have even gone to see their respective divorce lawyers. We came to know about this and we went to counsel and pray for them, after prayers both felt that supernatural peace descend upon them and they did not have that anger which they had experience just days before.

Finally the peace of God flooded their hearts and they reconciled and their marriage and family was restored.

Another instant was when a servant of God lost his wife through a car accident and he was so broken with grief that he could not minister anymore. He went into worship and after a while the supernatural peace of God descends upon him and the grief that had gripped him and had him in bondage was removed and the joy of the Lord was upon him. After that he was able to pick himself up and returned back to his normal life.

This is what Jesus had promised; we must not let our hearts be troubled rather we must trust in Him and ask for His peace when we are in trouble. He will hear and answer us for we are His own.

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