Monday 14 August 2017

daily devotions 12th August 2017

Deut 8: 10When you have eaten and are satisfied, praise the Lord your God for the good land he has given you

Finally God has led the Israelite to the edge of the Promised Land and just before they crossed over, Moses spoke to them the word that God had put into him.

God promised that when they cross over to occupy the land that God had promised to Abraham and all his descendants, first God proclaimed all the blessings that He would pour out upon them. God will bless the land which shall be flowing with milk and honey. The crops will flourish and the livestock will increase. Their silver and gold also will increase.

Then God reminded them that when begin to enjoy the goodness of the land which God had set apart for them, the most important thing is that they must remain faithful to God and to worship Him according to the manner that God had described.

Just as God had promised, the land of Israel till today is truly a land flowing with milk and honey literally. It is a fact that the cows in Israel produced more milk in Israel than all the cows put together in the US. Another fact is that the Israelites have perfected the art of making honey out of dates. Today when we visit Israel this is one item that we must but as a testimony of the fulfilment of the promises of God.

Today’s verse reminds us that God is faithful and whatever He promised is true and will come to pass even though it may be hundreds or thousands of years after He has pronounced it. Let us stand on this promise and let us receive it for our own blessings

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