Thursday 24 August 2017

Daily Devotions 24th Aug 2017

Phip 2: 3-4In humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests.

Paul who has now been transformed from an arrogant Jew to being the apostle to the gentiles wrote to the gentile church of Phillipi. Once he had so much pride but now he is lowly and humble, he never took any credit for himself. He did not seek for vain glory by self-elevation.

He kept a humble attitude even to the point of not asking for and not receiving any monetary gains. He was prepared to live by faith trusting God for His providence.

In fact all the disciples of Jesus learned from and followed the steps of Jesus who taught them that they are not to take money with them when they go out into the mission fields. They were told to stay in any homes that were opened to them and to stay and receive the hospitality of that home until they leave the town.

Jesus taught that He came to serve the people and not to be served by them. This pattern was learned and applied by all the early believers. This was the way that all the disciples lived and should be the same even today.

However, there are some who are materialistic and have used the ministry of the Gospel as a means to accrue wealth. The often seen results are that God is normally merciful and patient but when pride comes to the hearts of these servants, the time will come when God will allow them to fall and be punished.

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