Sunday 27 August 2017

Daily Devotions 26th August 2017

Luke 1: 3

I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning

Luke was a highly educated physician in the Greek academic tradition. As a physician he was methodical and highly detailed in his investigation. That was his training in medicine, as a good doctor he need to investigate every symptom and causes.

Now he has heard all about the life of Jesus Christ and all that He had done. As a doctor, he would not just want to believe in hear say but he would want to investigate the narrations and reports that he had received.

Many of the followers of Jesus had come to him to narrate of the personal experiences. Luke also wrote the book of Acts and he recorded in Acts 1: 3 “After his suffering, he presented himself to them and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive.”

The Christian faith was not built on hearsay but was carefully recorded by fist hand witnesses who were living with Jesus and were very close to Him. These records are all witnessed and certified by large numbers of witnesses. There were also physical evidences of the healing miracles that Luke could testify to.

Then there were those who were dead and are now still living amon the people. All these are irrevocable proofs of the miracles of Jesus Christ.

In the gospel of Luke, we read that he addresses it to Theophilus which in the Greek language means “lover of God”. As in the practice of scriptures, whenever a proper name is recorded, it refers to a real person. Luke wrote the gospel as a very personal testimony and we can thank God for this passionate and accurate record that a learned man like Luke has written both the gospel as in Luke as well as the book of Acts with much detail on the healing miracles of Jesus Christ.

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