Tuesday 8 August 2017

Daily Devotions 6th August 2017

Ex 34: 29

When Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the two tablets of the covenant law in his hands, he was not aware that his face was radiant because he had spoken with the Lord.

After spending 40 days and 40 nights continuously with God on Mount Sinai, Moses descended with the two tablets that God had made. Because of the close encounter that Moses had with God, the glory of God was reflected upon the face of Moses who did not realized that.

It was only when he came down and when the people saw him; they saw the bright reflection that was upon the face of Moses. He had no idea that when he spend the intimate relationship with God, it would actually change his appearance. Moses did not have a mirror to see his own face but the Israelites could see it when he came down.

This is a good reminder that our lives would be affected and changed when we too spend long hours with God, of course we would not be privileged to reflect God’s glory like Moses did. However, as we spend time with God in prayer, it would affect and transform us in our character. We would become more holy and righteous and our words and deeds would also change.

This is one good reason why we must seek God’s face daily just like Moses did and we will surely be changed to a degree of likeness of Jesus Christ.

Paul also wrote in 2 Cor 3: 7-11 where he made a comparison that even when the dispensation of the law brought such glory in the OT time, then surely in this time when Jesus Christ brought His saving grace surely the glory of God would be much greater. Paul says that now with the grace of Jesus which enables us to come into the presence of God face to face, surely that same glory will be reflected upon our lives though it may not be the same measure as that of Moses.

This is the open invitation to all through Jesus Christ who forgives us and transform us through His Spirit when we draw close to Him. And as we do that continuously, our lives will be changed and others too will see the change in us as the Israelites saw the change in Moses.

Let us shine forth with the glory of God and let others see the love, peace, joy, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control in our lives. Let us develop and bear the fruit of the Spirit as an eternal testimony for Jesus Christ.

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