Sunday 27 August 2017

Daily Devotion 25th August 2017

James 1: 14Each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed.

Earlier in this chapter, James encouraged believers who are tempted to rejoice because this is the testing of our faith and when we overcome all the testing, it will bring maturity.

The other area of testing is the enticement to commit sin or to do evil but God will never entices us to do evil. It is the work of the tempter, the devil, who is trying to cause us to commit evil and to fall.

God is a holy God, He desires that all of us be holy as well as only then can we have a closer relationship with Him. Holiness will draw us closer to God but when sin occurs then we drift away from God. The more we sin, the more we will then draw further away.

Temptation is a normal occurrence that everyone would experience. Even Jesus was tempted by the devil before He started ministry and just before He was supposed to fulfil His mission of dying for all the sins of the world, He was also tempted to ask God to remove this heavy and difficult burden from Him.

Of course after having prayed to the Father to take away the cup of persecution, Jesus surrendered himself into the Father’s hands so that the plan of salvation can be completed.

Thank God for the obedience of His Son who was willing to pay the high price of bearing all our afflictions and pain? Jesus was tempted like everyone else but He did not succumb to the temptation.

We know that Jesus did not get drawn away by the temptation but He stood firm and completed His Father’s plan of salvation and today all sinners have the chance and opportunity to be saved.

Likewise every believer must not succumb to the temptation that draws them away into committing sin and evil. We must resist all temptations and be strong in our faith and belief.

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