Tuesday 8 August 2017

Daily Devotions 8th Aug 2017

Mark 10:45
For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.

Here is a timely reminder to all leaders and workers that when we answer the call to serve in the kingdom, we are not to be served by those who are around us but we are to serve them instead. Jesus was recognized as a leader but He did not demand that the followers serve Him, instead He went around with the grass root people, did what they did and ate what they ate.

Jesus was very at home with the crowd, He went to their homes, to their towns and He even went to the Samaritan well where He met the Samaritan woman who was drawing water from the well. He asked her for a drink from the well, he had conversation with her.

Jesus never withdrew from the crowd but He can to meet with them so that He could be part of them. Jesus never became unapproachable, in fact everyone including the little children could come to Him and he received all gladly.

Jesus also said in Mark 10: 43-44 “Whoever wants to become graet among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave to all.”

Jesus walked with those rich and the poor, the religious as well as the non-religious. The sick crowded around Him, the blond beggar came to Him to be healed, the lepers came to Him to be healed, the woman with the issue of blood came to touch His garment to be healed. He came to save the sinners and He moved among them.

This reminds us that as the church of Jesus Christ, we need to be among the destitute, the lame and the blind. Jesus when he was accused of eating with the tax collectors, he knew the hearts of His accusers. He said that the healthy do not need a doctor, only the sick need one. What he meant was the Pharisees and the religious do not need Jesus but it is the sinners ho need to be saved.

Jesus showed that He was accessible to all, He was a people’s person. All can come to Him and that indeed was His invitation. He said; ‘come to me all who are heavy laden and I will give you rest.’

Have we come to Jesus for His cleansing power, have we been washed with His blood? 

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