Friday 4 August 2017

Psalm 66: 10

For you, O God tested us; you refined us like silver.

The psalmist enters into a time of reflection and began to confess of God’s goodness and mercies. He recollects the good times and the bad times that He had experienced with God. Earlier in the beginning of the psalm he described the goodness that God had shown to him.

Then he began to also reflect the chastisement of God to bring to mind the need to repent and be righteous before God. This the psalmist compares that when God chastises it is like the refining fire that burns away the dross and other impurities in precious metal like gold and silver.

This normally is a refinement that God uses to prepare us for greater abundance. Therefore when at times we are going through difficult times, when men are coming against us, it is a time for us to humble ourselves and to surrender to God who will take care of our situation and reward us when all the purification had ended.

In verse 12 the psalmist wrote; You let men ride over our heads, we went through fire and water, but you brought us to a place of abundance. The way that God works sometimes amazes us but even when things seem to go against us, it may be God who is preparing us for a time of great abundance of His blessings. 

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