Sunday 20 August 2017

Daily Devotions 20th Aug 2017

Esther 8: 16For the Jews it was a time of happiness and joy, gladness and honor.

This was the summary of the victory that Esther and Mordechai has won over the evil Haman who had seeked to destroy all the Jews and now the table had been turned, Mordecai has now been appointed as the new Prime Minister and he has received a decree from the King throughout the land to be able to arrest and take actions against all those who wants to harm the Jews.

They were even empowered to arrest and put to death these people and all their properties confiscated. All over the nation at that time the Jews are rejoicing and it is recorded that it was a time of happiness and joy, gladness and honor. Compare this to just days ago when all the Jews who were in captivity were so afraid and fearing for a genocide if the decree was not averted.

Up until today the Israelites still celebrate the feast of Purim in remembrance of their deliverance from certain death if Queen Esther had not been able to obtain the king’s favour. A whole race was spared mass destruction and this was indeed the act of God whose hand was over the Israelites at that time.

In fact the hand of God is continually seen as covering and protecting His chosen people even in this perilous time where the surrounding nations are planning to wipe them out just as Haman did. The good news is the God who delivered the Jewish people during the tiem of Mordecai and Esther is the same God of Israel today. He has never changed and His love and mercy for His chosen ones remain the same.

We who are the wild branch and now being grafted into the true vine (Jesus Christ) we are also the children of God and His hand of protection is over us as well.  


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