Monday 14 August 2017

Daily Devotions 13th Aug 2017

Hab 3: 19The sovereign Lord is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer.

After Habakkuk had gone through the process of worshipping God and being a prophet he had also received the word from God for the people. Habakkuk had laid out all the attributes of God and had acknowledged His good ness that had been displayed upon them.

Habakkuk also praised and thanked God for His guiding hand and protection and in this chapter and in the last verse proclaimed how God had protected him and guided his steps. God had given him the strength to pursue after him without faint and God had given him the wisdom to walk faithfully according to his commands.

Habakkuk had been diligent and faithful as he compares his walk to that of the feet of a deer which is firm and swift in its feet. We need to be swift in running out to do the work of God and we need to be secure and firm in our steps just like the deer which does not fall even when it is running at high speed.

This is the comparison that Habakkuk made for his faith. He enjoyed and worked diligently for the Lord with consistency and perseverance, he proudly confesses to this as he described himself with the same agility and surety of foot like the deer.

Let us also learn like Habakkuk to be swift and sure footed as God calls us into the ministry work for Him.

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