Monday 4 September 2017

Daily Devotions 4th Sept 2017

Col 4: 2Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.

We the people of God are reminded frequently that we are never to be short of prayer and seeking God. He is our strength and our shelter. He gives us the strength to resist sins, to overcome temptations each day and to be able to overcome and triumph in our spiritual walk.

David wrote in 1 Chron 16: 11 Look to the Lord and His strength; and seek his face always. This was written when the Israelites received the return of the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem. As David has demonstrated that he would seek God’s face daily he has taught us that in order to please God and to receive His covering and blessing, we must follow the lifestyle of David and other God fearing holy men of the past.

In fact scriptures tell us that all the mighty men of God were men of prayer, they studied the scriptures and hold them fast in their hearts. Day and night they meditated upon the scriptures and in fact their lives were fully saturated by godly thoughts and words.

Scriptures records that all f them were successful in their ministries and were greatly honoured by God. Their names are recorded in scriptures for all posterity to learn from. Their names live on and their legacies also live on.

This is the honour and blessing that God has given to all who seek His face diligently. Today we continue to see present day apostles and prophets who likewise are honoured by God. I have personal friends who are apostles and prophets and I have noticed that these men truly seek God’s face diligently every day and they spend long hours in prayer and meditation. They saturate their minds and spirit with prayer and the scriptures and in turn God has blessed all of them greatly and these mighty men of God are honoured and blessed in their ministries which are bringing glory to God through the miracles that God performs through their ministries.

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