Friday 22 September 2017

Job 2: 10Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?

Here is Job being tested for his faith in God who had permitted the devil to test Job except taking of his life. Job was a righteous man who had been faithful to God all his life, even when his wife taunted him to give up on God, Job replied her saying, ‘shall we accept good from God and not trouble?.’

Job understood that God can use trials and tribulations to strengthen our faith. When Job had to suffer painful sores he responded by affirming his trust in God. He never murmured or blames God at all.

The lesson from this book shows that in this world, sometime believers are not spared from troubles and testing. God do permit that His children would be tested and He knew that this is like tempering a piece of metal in fire to make it strong. Just as a piece of metal is burned, softened, beaten and then hardened into a worthy instrument for the owner; we too are being tested at time so that we might grow stronger in the Lord.

Testing will develop character, each time we go through a trial we come through like become smarter and stronger as we have endured the test and trial and when we encounter similar tests next time, we would not be fearful of it but we would be able to face and confront it with great confidence and skills.

Sometime we need to understand that we must accept challenges in our l9ves in  order to grow and be honed.

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