Wednesday 6 September 2017

Daily Devotions 6th Sept 2017

2 Kings 19: 14

Then Hezekiah went up to the temple of the Lord and spread it out before the Lord.

This account is the occasion when King Hezekiah had received a threatening letter from his enemy the Assyrians who had threatened to destroy Jerusalem. During this time, Assyria was the strongest nation in the known region of the Middle East.

They had carried out great conquests stretching from India to Europe. The Assyrian armies are well trained, equipped and ferocious warriors. There were many of these who have come from different nations and are conscripted as slave warriors who duty was only to fight in the battles and win or they die in the battles.

To these people they were trained and prepared to battle till death. This was the fierce army that King Hezekiah faced and when he had received the letter of threat, he immediately fell before the Lord and presented his needs to God.

When we are faced with similar situations that will bring fear, anxiety we have precedence here where we can learn from Hezekiah and run straight to God and petition Him to guide our steps and calm our fears.

When Hezekiah cried out God answered him that He is greater and stronger than the Assyrian army. This may seem very difficult to comprehend but the God of Hezekiah is also our God today. What he had done for Hezekiah and other faithful men, God is able to do the same today.

Look at the many Apostles, Evangelists, and Prophets whom God had raised in the world today. God hears their prayers and He answers them through the working of many miracles which are well documented through video and verified by high authorities certifying the working of these miracles.

Let us continue to trust in God and turn to Him each day.

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