Tuesday 5 September 2017

Daily Devotions 5th Sept 2017

Rev 21: 5He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new”

In the present world God has created a perfect world that is unique and balanced. Man can only discover the perfect creation of what God has created. There is a perfect balance among the different lifeforms whether it is in the animal kingdom or in the flora kingdom.

Though God has place men in different parts of the world and some are living in the remoteness of undeveloped land whether they are high in the mountains or deep in the jungle, God has provided for their survival. Food is made available through plants and animals.

Having visited the natives in the deep jungle interior, it amazes me to see how these natives could extract food from the jungle trees. They could extract flour from the tree pulps which form their staple food. They know where and how to gather wild plants as vegetables and they also know the properties of trees that can produce poison for their weapons or medicine for their healing.

This is how God has created a perfect world for men. Irrespective of nations or cultures, men living in the coldest artic to the hottest tropics have the wisdom and skills to know what God has given to them. They have managed to survive and grow through thousands of years.

Then there is the perfect balance of nature where the seasons bring us different changes of climate and the variety of God’s creation and blessings. Again there are different countries with mountains and plains which look like paradise on earth. In face we know that earth had been created as a image of what we can expect in heaven.

In fact in recent times, there have been many people who have had the privilege of having passed over to heaven and have seen and experienced what heaven is like and have come back to reveal of its beauty.

Some have even reproduced in great details the splendour of colours, plants, and even buildings that are in heaven. In the four verses preceeding today’s text, Rev 21: 1-4 say “God is going to restore creation into the first perfect state that it was created.  It would be a new heaven and a new earth where there will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”  

God’s words say that the New Jerusalem will descend down from heaven and it will come and sit in the atmosphere above the physical Jerusalem in Israel. Heaven will be in our midst and we will enjoy all that God has prepared for us. This is what was shown to John the Apostle as he wrote in Rev 21: 5 He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new”

The time is coming when these prophecies will come to pass, we who are alive today will be the generation that will see this come to pass. 

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