Sunday 24 September 2017

Daily Devotions 23rd Sept 2017

Luke 5: 5Simon answered…”But because you say so, I will let down the nets.”

Here we have the instance where Jesus had got on to a Simon’s boat and they pushed off a short distance from the shore where Jesus preached to the crowd.

When he had finished he asked Simon to go further and let down his nets. This was still in the morning and Simon and his friends have toiled all night and caught nothing.
They were both tired and discouraged as they were seasoned fishermen who have fished in the sea of Galilee all their lives..

We see the response of Peter who heard Jesus and responded in faith, Simon replied. “Because you say so, I wil let down the nets.’

His trust in Jesus was rewarded Peter who had a casual relationship with Jesus up to now was moved from calling  Jesus ‘Master’ to calling Him Lord.

From this encounter, we learn that when we hear and obey God’s voice we will draw closer to Him. There is also that opportunity of receiving God’s blessings when we do as He says.

In the case of Simon, by obeying, a bad night of fishing turned into a blessing of a big catch.

In our walk and relationship with God, we often walk by sight using our human wisdom and understanding just like Simon and he turned to obeying and subsequently received the blessing.

There are many things in life that we do not fully understand and sometimes when we are called into a new ministry, we cannot see or we cannot understand where the Lord is leading us into. But knowing God, He will definitely have a blessing in store for us.

Therefore walking in obedience is important when we serve God. When we walk with Him, He will surely lead and bless us abundantly.

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