Sunday 3 September 2017

Daily Devotions 3rd Sept 2017

Mark 12: 44She, out of poverty, put in everything – all she had to live on.

This scripture tells us of the complete sacrifice of the poor women, she gave all that she had which was her food money to the Lord. She gave her all, she happily gave and never withheld even a little for herself. That was the level of love and faith that she had in God.

Jesus who knew the sacrifice that the women made declared that her gift was greater than the rest who gave generously out of their abundance.

Though this illustration speaks to us of the financial giving, there is another area of our giving which can be expressed as our worship and obedience to God and this is in the area of our services and commitment to God.

We all serve in one way or another in church or in para-church ministries. If we do not have the money to give, we give of our time, our talents as a form of worship.

I know of a sister who does not have very much money to give as offerings but she volunteered to do ministry work as a fund raiser with a mission organization. What she lacked in terms of finance, she made up in terms of time and effort to help the Christian organization to raise funds for their mission.

What we now know is that it is not just giving of finances that God appreciates, not everyone has the means to give generously, but we can make up on this by giving in kind or in service.

God will still see and honour our sacrifices when we continue to serve Him sacrificially in our talents and abilities in whichever capacity we can fit in the best.

God is looking for cheerful givers, let us be in this group.

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