Sunday 17 September 2017

Eph 4: 26In your anger do not sin: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry.

What Paul is saying here is that we ought to provide a time limit on unresolved issues and we must also consciously keep anger in check. Often we just try and justify our stubbornness or inflexibility through righteous anger. Given that sometimes any misunderstanding or quarrel was not our doing but the work of those who come against us and intimidate us.

Looking at the example of Jesus and the early apostles, they were all righteous and holy people. What fault could there be held against them? But it was all because of the evil men who were creating troubles for them.

Looking at the offences that the attackers had against Jesus and the apostles we can see that the attackers were the most unreasonable and unscrupulous. Jesus and the apostle did not act or do anything to that would have offended anyone. Therefore it would be most unreasonable for them to attack Jesus and the apostles.

Humanly speaking the attackers are most unreasonable and therefore it would have been justified if Jesus and the apostles had retaliated. However they did not but remained as humble as sheep led to the slaughter.

In the present global conditions, we see that the Church is also greatly persecuted throughout. Some of the churches in the world are being burned down or bombed. Some have stood for thousands of years and have great historical value but these religious terrorists have no qualms to destroy what they like never respecting the honour of other people.

The Christians are being captured, sold as sex slaves, some are tortured and martyred. The question asked is, ‘what wrong have they done?’ The answer is ‘Nothing’.

The only thing that they have done is to be faithful to God and to hold fats to their faith and for this, they were tortured and killed. This is the most evil and demonic action that we see in the world today. This is spreading worldwide and global authorities like the UN is not doing anything about it. Instead they are supporting the terrorist’s evil activities.

Look at the attack of the twin towers in New York, thousands of innocent lives were lost and hundreds of millions were lost. Was there a reason for this? No! except that these terrorists are led and controlled by the evil forces of Satan.

So as believers, what are we to do about all these? Paul tells us that yes we can get angry buy we must not fall into sin. What does this mean? Falling into sin is when we purpose in our hearts to take revenge and to scheme evil acts in retaliation. Paul reminds us, get angry but do not react, if we do we will sin.

Therefore the only thing is to pray and seek God’s strength and mercy to forgive the most evil enemy just as Jesus did on the cross. Jesus did not call down fire and legions of angels to come down to defend Him. He just submitted to the perfect plan of God so that through His obedience we now have salvation.

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