Monday 25 September 2017

Daily Devotions 25th Sept 2017

Acts 20: 32
Now I commit you to God and to the word of His grace, which can build you up.

Paul has spent some time in Ephesus and now he is saying his farewell to the church leaders, he encourages them to grow in the word of his grace. After all the fatherly advice made Paul says ‘Now I commit you t God and to the word of His grace, which can build you up.’

Every natural and spiritual father would want their children to grow and do well in life. Just as any other father who is leaving the family would leave behind some advice, Paul is doing the same.

His thoughts are for their well-being and spiritual growth. This is the same thing with all of us, surely we want to see our children well brought up and become successful in whatever they do.

We have seen how parents would go to great extent to provide for the finances and opportunities for their children to receive good education and training so that they may become successful in life. Many parents even sacrifice everything they have to provide for the children’s education. Some will sell all their properties and make big sacrifices for their children.

In the same manner every spiritual or church leader would also like to see their spiritual offspring grow and be matured in their faith. As leaders, we too must continue to discharge our fatherly responsibilities to those who are our spiritual children and just like Paul, guide and lead them to grow spiritually.

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